23 Aug 2018
Global Study of Gratitude
What would happen if we ask many people around the world some simple questions about what does gratitude mean? Let´s see what happens… 100 thanks is a nonprofit project and it´s born of desires of being grateful for people who helped me to change. After that, the gratitude movement spread to more people. Amazing things were born from this movement as you can verify in...
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27 Jan 2016
“If” by Kipling: a great poem and 100Thanks Italy
“If” by Rudyard Kipling is one of the most incredible, powerful and inspiring poems I have ever read. It was written over 100 years ago and in my case it has been a great help; as I was falling, as I felt as if I was getting stranded, reading it helped me hold myself. “If you can hold your head in its place when all around you have...
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23 Oct 2015
(xi) Where things are born. From the British Parliament.
A week has gone by since I set foot on the British Parliament and I did it because of the most unexpected adventure in my life, which I began because I felt I wanted to tell what I had learned in my process of change. For a few days I have been thinking that this is the magic of life, you dont know how or...
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08 Oct 2015
100Thanks in the British Parliament
Each post I write is more incredible than the previous one. I dont know where all this can lead us to, but I want to share and confirm you all that this October 12th we will be in London, no more and no less than at the British Parliament and the House of Commons. As fate would have it, 100Thanks is leading us to places...
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24 Sep 2015
100Thanks in USA, the common ground of thankful people
Last August we were in the USA. Miami is a great place to connect with the english-speaking world in many aspects and the emergence of the project in this country thanks to the appearance in The Huffington Post USA made us have no question about it, use the opportunity, and embark towards this destination. To travel connecting is one of the greatest satisfactions that I...
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10 Sep 2015
Sarria, City of Thankfulness.
We are having hectic days currently and we are happy about it 😉 ; this post would have been unthinkable four months ago as we started the project. This post is a further example of the incredible things that 100Thanks provokes and we want to pass it on to you. This post is an example of the magic that turns crazy ideas into realities. And...
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26 Aug 2015
100Thanks in Sarria August 29
I recovered writing on 100Thanks to continue narrating magical things. There are many exciting things happening lately, including that in recent days we visit the US were we were propelling the project as many of you know, and you cannot tell this with just a few lines here. However as soon as we landed we have been invited to give a talk in Sarria, the...
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16 Jul 2015
English publishing 100Thanks
100Thanks is a project of change and major changes occurred globally :). We started talking in English from NOW ON… 100Thanks has nearly two months of life, and when I thought about it I did it with the desire of start a light fuse that could cross borders, to send a message, and could even surprise us how far it can go. That was the...
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03 Jul 2015
100Thanks English Version
Its incredible to check what happens with internet, 1 hour ago the website started to receive visits around the world thanks to The Huffington Post (american version, 100x100THANKS!!!!). Its true we could never imagine in a few months being so known all around the world. If you speak english or other language be sure we will try to translate this site so you can join...
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