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100Thanks in Sarria August 29
26 Aug 2015

100Thanks in Sarria August 29

I recovered writing on 100Thanks to continue narrating magical things. There are many exciting things happening lately, including that in recent days we visit the US were we were propelling the project as many of you know, and you cannot tell this with just a few lines here.

However as soon as we landed we have been invited to give a talk in Sarria, the nerve center of the St. James Path (Route of Santiago de Compostela), a few months before we imagine that if there was a place in the world 100Thanks, this was the place, and today a first chance to try it.

Our next goal, getting identify the path with 100Thanks. Here we attached the press release of the event. If you are nearby, you are all invited !

100Thanks is a project of change based on something as simple and powerful as GRATEFULNESS. Under the motto “100 things learned are 100 things to give thanks for”, comes this reflexive proposal whose main objective is to promote the act of giving thanks.

The non-profit platform,, offers an online space where people worldwide can build a notebook with his thanks. These can be shared through social networks and there is also the option to send diplomas to people who are grateful. All acknowledgments are placed on a world map that shows in real time how this network is expanding and branching gradually. At a time highlighting by individualism and emphasize by the loss of values, 100Thanks proposes a change.

With just 2 months old 100Thanks last July 3rd, 2015 accomplish to be on the cover of The Huffington Post U.S. version; acknowledgments immediately began to spread across the map of North America. From that moment this project has managed to cross borders with the support of partners in different parts of the world. This has made it possible the past July 15th launched the English version and soon will be translated into other languages.

The importance of the Camino de Santiago recognized worldwide as an inspiration towards personal change; and uniqueness of Sarria, town who have received millions of pilgrims of all nationalities for years; makes it the perfect place to try to propel the chain.

On Saturday 29 August at 18.30 at the Cultural Society The Union within the acts of Note Meiga, José Luis Caceres founder of the project will chat with attendees entitled, “¿What if we started a chain of acknowledgments in Sarria? ” and will be made official the election of Ivan Quiñoá Gonzalez as ambassador 100Thanks and his support through the cultural association Crearte to propel it from its various activities and try to identify Sarria as the main focus of the global chain of thanks.


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100Thanks! 🙂
