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Press Kit

This is a non-profit project for change, experimenting a rapid growth, and attempting to inspire a local change that could lead us to the unexpected. If you are from the media world, you can help us spread the message by talking about the project, contributing this way to expanding it.

Here are some contents that you can use if you are going to publish about 100Thanks. If you need more material, high quality or have any other requirement, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at comunicacion@100thanks.com . THANKS!

Millions of people around the world were reached thanks to medias: TV, Press and Radio talking about 100Thanks project and being able to spread what it promotes, GRATITUDE.

Colaboration Welever – 100Thanks. Transforming gratitude in help.
El Periódico. https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20180601/100thanks-y-welever-se-unen-para-promover-acciones-de-voluntariado-a-traves-de-la-tecnologia-6851595

Merca2 Bloomberg https://www.merca2.es/welever-revolucion-voluntariado-corporativo/

Europa Press Internacional http://www.europapress.es/epsocial/responsables/noticia-acciones-voluntariado-traves-tecnologia-20180601103645.html

El Economista Brasil http://www.eleconomistaamerica.com.br/tags/Android/803

Corresponsables Colombia – México, https://colombia.corresponsables.com/actualidad/100thanks-welever-promueven-acciones-voluntariado-tecnologia

 Launch APP 100Thanks around the world.

Telediario RTVE La 1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-x0NSjz3oE

El Comercio Perú, https://elcomercio.pe/tecnologia/gadgets/100thanks-aplicacion-movil-sirve-dar-gracias-noticia-459694

La Razón España, https://www.larazon.es/tecnologia/100thanks-coge-el-movil-y-da-las-gracias-EC16141476

Caracol Radio Colombia, https://www.msn.com/es-co/noticias/otras/100thanks-coge-el-m%C3%B3vil-y-da-las-gracias/ar-AAshhm0

Excelsior México, https://www.excelsior.com.mx/hacker/2017/12/12/1207284

Carier Rumanía https://www.cariereonline.ro/actual/100thanks-mesajele-care-au-parcurs-6-milioane-de-kilometri-si-au-ajuns-50-de-tari

Here a few of the first appearances we had, from the first moment, 100Thanks was able to communicate and change great things around the world.

Quick Press Kit 100Thanks English in PDF

Some of our appearances in the media:

100Thanks! 🙂